Friday, April 24, 2009

Vast-new search engine supposed to be really good

(Info from their FAQ section)Vast is a search service - we scour the web across millions of sites and billions of pages to find nuggets of information - jobs, cars, people, and other classifieds, and offer the resulting database to end-users and other web sites. We currently offer the largest database of cars and jobs, and one of the largest databases of people profiles on the entire Internet.

The Vast crawler even digs deep to find some of these listings, which you won't find currently on any search engine! The Vast API is available, free and unlimited, for commercial and non-commercial use. Vast does not act as a broker, agent, or dealer, and the results aggregated by Vast always point back to the original listing for all of the information and to complete the transaction. Think of it as Froogle for classifieds, but with an open interface for partner sites and developers.

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